Submachine Guns - CSSR/Czech Rep.
Å korpion vz. 6
The Å korpion vz. 61 is a Czechoslovak 7.65 mm submachine gun developed in 1959 by Miroslav Rybář (1924–1970) and produced under t...
pregnancy week by week calculator pregnancy calculator The ZK-383 is a submachine gun and was developed by the Koucký brothers who worked at t...
The ZK-383-H is a Modernized version of the ZK-383 submachine gun and was developed by the Koucký brothers who worked at the pre-war Československá zbrojovka, akc.spol. (under its name of Zbrojovka Brno after World War II) arms factory in Brno Czechoslovakia.
The ZK-383-P is a Police submachine gun and was developed by the Koucký brothers who worked at the pre-war Českoslo...