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Carl Gustaf M/45 /B /BE /BET /C

m/45BE (sometimes referd to as m/45D - automatic or selective fire - used by the Swedish police only)

Other Pictures:
m/45 (early model)

m/45B (improved)

m/45BET (only for tear-gas - used by the Swedish police)

m/45C (with a special barrel casing to accept the m/14 or the m/15 bayonet)

m/45 "silenced" (the M/45(B) equiped with silencer - Silencer is manufactured by Sionics [Alpharetta])

(FILM) S&W model 76 which is loosely based on the m/45 (.MOV)

(MANUAL) Carl Gustav / M45 (.pdf)

K-pist is short for "Kulsprutepistol" roughly translated as "Bullet spurting pistol". This SMG were developed by Swedish state-owned Carl Gustaf Arms company (located in Eskilstuna) in 1945 and were manufactured at a very low cost per weapon (60 SEK = $5, per gun) mostly due to modern factoring methods and by using stamped steel. The construction is based upon features taken from the Finnish "Tikkakoski "Suomi" m/31" (amongst other features - the barrel, the magazine cath and guide is taken from the "Kpist m/37-39"), the Brittish "STEN-gun" (amongst other features - the principle for the cocking mechanism) and the German "MP-40". It is still in service with some parts of the Swedish defence (as a secondary issue weapon, as a personal weapon for the crew abord the Navys ships and to some personnel within Hemvärnet ["Home Defence" = Swedish National Guard]). About 300 000 have been manufactured for the Swedish Defence (todays manufacturing cost ca: 700 SEK).
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The B version was introduced in 1954. In 1955 the black oxide coating (Parkerized = manganese phosphate coated) was abounded and new weapons received a coat of green paint. When a weapon had lost more than 50% of the finish it was sent to an armoury to be repainted. After 1955 some guns were up graded to the B standard. This means that there are just a few m/45B in black matte finish, and even fewer green m/45. When the m/45 was introduced there was a shortage of the 36-round staggered-row magazine. To make the weapon compatible with the 50-round double-row magazine for the "Kpist m/37-39", the magazine well of the m/45 was detachable. To use the m/37-39 magazine one relesed the hope that held the magazine well and pulled out the magazine well it self. The 50-round magazine was then used whithout a magazine well. The disadvantage with the m/37-39 magazine was that it required a magazinefeeding device, if this device weren`t used the feeding from the magazine could cause a malfunction. As soon as the supply of 36-round magazines was sufficient, the magazine well of the m/45 was riveted to the receiver.
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The first m/45B appeared with a new magazine housings with a U-shape wire retaining clip so that it could be removed and the old styrle magazines could be used if neccesary. Later the magazine housing was permanetly rivited in place, a reenforced breechhousing plate and a lighter recoil spring were added. The later two features were introduced to problems originating from using the "gallery ammunition" (also known as the "chamber practise round") - evidently the breechhouse plate could come loose at usage of this particular cartridge. The B-version have also holes of a smaller diamater in the barrel casing, and they are located closer to the muzzle. As a final touch the magazines were remodeled. The first type is recognised by that the bottom of the magazine is held in place by a plate spring.

M45/C is pretty much the same as the M45/B but has a bayonet lug on the barrel casing for the m/14 bayonet. The C-version was primaly used in parades, by Swedish UN-troops during the 1950-60s and by the Royal Castle Guards.

Copies of the "M45" were made under license in Egypt, known as "Port Said", and saw extensive use against the Israeli army during the conflicts between those two nations in the late sixties and early seventies. Hereby the Israeli nation also came by some of these weapons. During the 1960:s an unknown amounts of m/45B:s were sent off to Vietnam with the US. military, both in standard configuration and fitted with sound suppressing barrels. These weapons lacked id-number to avoid public opinion in Sweden (protests against Sweden as a deliverer of weaponry to conflict areas have always been a hardcore issue in Swedish politcs). The weapon proved itself and performed well in the jungle (the heavy 9mm bullet didn`t diviate in the bullet trajectory as much as the lighter 5,56mm when flying through the thick vegetation. An interesting detail is that with the weapons came the same magazine pouch made of leather as the Swedish Army used. At some point, the Swedish government stopped exporting them for political reasons. As a result, and to fulfill a still evident need, Smith & Wesson developed their "model 76", which is loosely based on the m/45 (according to rumor the M76 can use the same magazine as the m/45). Later, the M76 were copied in it`s turn by MK Arms of USA under the designation of "Mk760" (available in both 9x19mm Parabellum and .45 ACP). There is a similar weapon developed by Husqvarna in a competition against FFV, the "Kpist fm/44". It was later sold to Denmark who adopted it as the "Maskinpistol 9 mm - m/49", commonly known as the "Hovea" ("Hovea" is the Danish way of pronouncing "HVA" which means "Husqvarnas Vapenfabriks AB").

The suppresed versions were also by rumor used in Sweden by Kustjägarna (Coastal Rangers), the Attack Divers and most likely the Fallskärmsjägarna (Paratroopers) although this have been denied by the Swedish government at several occations since at that time it wouldn´t have been political correct for the swedish soldier to carry such a weapon.

The m/45 is a HIGHLY reliable weapon and will operate under extreme conditions such as arctic cold and desert heat. Much of it`s reliability is due to the design of the magazines, and it`s been reported to have kept firing thought it had dirt and mudd in the operating mechanism. (According to an oral legend amongst soldiers that have served in the Swedish Defence Forces, You can soak your m/45 in mudd - clean it by rincing it a pudle of water - then keep firing

Submachine Gun

Carl Gustaf Stads Gevärsfaktori & FFV (Förenade Fabriks VerkeOperation:
Straight blowback operation, actuation of bolt mechanism is by projection of spent case (the bolt is not locked at firing - it is held by the driving spring).

9 x 19 mm Luger/Para

(Unloaded) 3.43 kg

(stock closed/open): 552 / 806 mm

203 mm

6 grooves, rh

Magazine Capacity:
36 or 50 rounds

adjustable post (front sight), open adjustable U-noth at: 100m, 200m, 300m (rear sight)

Rate of fire:
550-600rpm (the cyclic rate can be enhanced further by adding a large flashlight battery (or an extra recoil spring) between the recoil spring and the breech housing plate, this puts further tension to the spring).

Effective range:
10-100m (effective), 100-200m (maximum practical), 200-300m (possible but not recommended), 1500m (maximum)

Muzzle Velocity:
420 m/s (m/39B Swedish ammunition)

The m/45 is stamped with C and serial number on top of the receiver. The m/45 B is marked with an additional


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