Type 85

Type 85
prescription coupon coupons for drugs The Type 85 was developed by 9616 Factory in the early 1980s as the PLA’s second-generation submachine gun. The weapon is available in two versions: the standard 7.62mm submachine and the silenced version, which were intended to replace the older Type 79 submachine gun and Type 64 silenced submachine gun then in PLA service respectively. Development of the Type 85 began in 1983 and the weapon was type classified in 1985. The Type 85 submachine gun is mainly equipped by the PLA special operations forces (SOF) and airborne forces.
The Type 85 is a simple blowback operated weapon that fires from open bolt. The standard version and the silenced version are slightly different in their gun barrel designs. The weapon uses steel receiver and a foldable butt stock, which is also made from steel. The safety/fire mode selector switch is located on the right side of the trigger unit, and allows for single or fully automatic fire.
The submachine gun is fed from a curved 30-round box magazine inherited from the design of the Type 64 silenced submachine gun. The weapon fires four types of ammunitions: Type 51 7.62X25mm pistol cartridge, Type 51 7.62X25mm TT cartridge, Type 51 7.62X25mm steel ball cartridge, and Type 64 subsonic silenced pistol cartridge. A 5.8mm version of the Type 85 submachine gun was also developed for trial and evaluation but it never entered servic
Weapontype: Submachine gun
Manufacturer: Hubei No.9616 State-owned Factory, No.1, Jianghua Rd., Xiangcheng Dist., Xiangfan, Hubei, China
Operation: Blowback
Cartridge: 7.62x25 Type 51 / TT
Weight: 1.9 kg (4.1 Lbs)
Length: (stock closed/open): 444 / 628 mm (17.4 / 24.7 in)
Barrel: 210 mm (8.2 in)
Magazine Capacity: 30 Rounds
Feed system: Magazine
Rate of fire: 780 Rpm
Effective range: 150-200 Meters (164-218.7 Yards)